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Cây phát tài trổ hoa, gia chủ mừng như vớ được vàng, nhà vườn tiết lộ bí kíp chăm sóc đặc biệt ít người biết

The Meaning of Tài Tree Blossoming

The Tài tree is one of the most popular indoor plants for decoration. This type of tree not only brings freshness and vibrancy to the house, but it also represents wealth and prosperity for the homeowner. However, few people know that the Tài tree can also blossom.

For many people, the Tài tree blooming is a normal occurrence, but some consider it a special event with significant meaning in life.

According to Vietnamese Feng Shui (the Tài tree is also known as the Tài god tree or the Tài lan tree), this type of ornamental tree is loved and planted in homes and offices. The Tài tree is easy to care for, but for it to bloom, it requires investment, meticulousness, and the homeowner must have true affinity.

The blooming Tài tree is considered lucky and extremely auspicious for the homeowner. The flowers are white, very fragrant, and usually bloom in the late year when the weather is cool. The blossoms are often clustered together and have a pleasant fragrance.

The Tài tree represents wealth, prosperity, and is the most favored among all Feng Shui plants. Especially when the tree blooms, it means that wealth, luck, and prosperity will multiply for the homeowner.

The time when the Tài tree blooms is also seen as an indication of the time when fortune, luck, and wealth will come to the homeowner. When the tree blooms, it brings great significance to the homeowner and family members. It represents luck, wealth, and success in life.

The blooming Tài tree is considered lucky and extremely auspicious for the homeowner.

Tài Tree Represents the Five Elements

According to Feng Shui, each pot of Tài tree must incorporate all five elements of the natural world to bring about great luck and maximize its effects:

Wood – represents the Tài tree itself.

Earth – represents the soil and nutrients that help the Tài tree grow.

Water – represents the water used for watering the Tài tree.

Fire – when the Tài tree is planted in a brown pot or decorated with red ribbons and bows.

Metal – represents the metal coins decorated on the tree or buried beneath the surface of the pot.

Planting the Tài Tree with Different Meanings

2 branches – symbolizes love.

3 branches – symbolizes happiness.

5 branches – symbolizes health.

8 branches – symbolizes wealth and prosperity.

9 branches – symbolizes luck, fortune, and good timing for the homeowner.

21 branches – is a blessing for everyone to be content and well-fed.

The Appropriate Number of Tài Trees for the Homeowner

For those born under the Metal element: the numbers 4-9 are suitable.

For those born under the Wood element: the numbers 3-8 are suitable.

For those born under the Fire element: the numbers 2-7 are suitable.

For those born under the Water element: the numbers 1-6 are suitable.

For those born under the Earth element: the number 5 is suitable.

Planting a certain number of branches of the Tài tree has different meanings. Image: TL

Explaining the Meaning of the Number of Blooming Tài Trees

A pot with 2 blooming Tài trees symbolizes happiness and peace for the homeowner.

A pot with 3-6 blooming Tài trees indicates a harmonious family with respectful children.

A pot with 5-7 blooming Tài trees represents prosperity and abundance for the family.

A pot with 8 blooming Tài trees symbolizes wealth, luck, and success in work.

A pot with 9 blooming Tài trees signifies luck in finances and the support of important allies.

A pot with 10 blooming Tài trees signifies a fulfilling life and complete happiness.

The Effects of the Tài Tree

The Tài Tree Helps Renew Feng Shui

The Tài tree when placed in different positions and orientations brings about diverse Feng Shui meanings. To maximize the effects of the Tài tree in Feng Shui, it is important to balance the five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.

Especially when the Tài tree is placed in the living room, it brings financial luck. Furthermore, the Tài tree helps to keep the spirits of the homeowner always energetic and adds a touch of elegance to the room. If the family’s fortune is good, the tree will thrive and money will flow in. The tree also uplifts the spirits of the homeowner significantly.

The Tài Tree Helps Purify the Air

The Tài tree has excellent capabilities to absorb harmful substances, purify the air, and increase humidity. This plant is known for reducing toxic gases emitted from greenhouse effects or prolonged air conditioning use. Therefore, it is highly regarded for its practicality and is favored by many people.

The Tài Tree Serves as a Decorative Element

With its vibrant green color and elegant shape, the Tài tree is used for decoration in the living room. It is also placed in bedrooms and office hallways to create aesthetic beauty and ensure a refreshing atmosphere.

Caring for the Tài Tree to Make it Blossom

According to Saigon Hoa Nursery (Thủ Đức District, Ho Chi Minh City), the Tài tree is a plant that is easy to grow in various types of soil. However, for the tree to produce many flowers, it is recommended to plant it in fertile, loose soil with good drainage.

The Tài tree prefers temperatures ranging from 26 to 40 degrees Celsius, and high humidity helps the tree thrive. Avoid placing the tree near heaters or air conditioners.

To make the Tài tree blossom, it is advised to plant it in well-ventilated areas with at least 60% natural light. If the tree is placed indoors, it should be occasionally brought outside for sunlight exposure to enhance photosynthesis.

The Tài tree does not require excessive watering. Only water when the soil surface is dry. For balcony placement, water once a week. For indoor placement, reduce the amount of water slightly.

To make the Tài tree blossom, in the evening (around 6:30-7:30 PM), place a few stones about 10-15cm from the base of the tree. Continuously do this until flower buds appear and grow to about 10cm long. At this point, regular watering can be resumed, and the tree should be exposed to minimal sunlight during the day.

In addition to the placement and watering of the Tài tree, the homeowner should also pay attention to leaf care. Prune the leaves to ensure aesthetics and prevent pests and diseases from affecting the overall health of the tree. Regularly dust the leaves to keep them clean and green.

When fertilizing the Tài tree, choose NPK fertilizer. Apply fertilizer once every 2-3 months. Sprinkle the fertilizer around the base of the tree, about 5-10cm away from the trunk. After applying the fertilizer, cover it up to prevent evaporation. Then water evenly around the base of the tree.

If the leaves of the Tài tree turn slightly yellowish-green and become thin or wilted, it indicates a lack of sunlight. Therefore, it is advisable to move the tree to a brighter area for better photosynthesis.

If the Tài tree is placed in an air-conditioned environment, fungus may appear on the leaf buds or white spots may appear. In such cases, wipe off the white spots and use specialized fungicides for prevention.

To preserve the blooming flowers of the Tài tree, hang a fabric bag containing insect repellent or old motor oil near the flowers. The flowers of the Tài tree can last for about 2 months. If you want the flowers to bloom during the Lunar New Year, preparations should start from the Gregorian New Year.

The Tài tree blossoming brings many meanings to the homeowner.

Where Should the Tài Tree Be Placed in the House?

Based on Feng Shui, the Tài tree has many meanings related to bringing luck and wealth to the homeowner. In addition to its excellent air-purifying properties, to fully maximize the meaningfulness of the Tài tree, it can be placed in the following locations:

Favorable Orientations for Placing the Tài Tree

The Tài tree should be placed in the Southeast direction, which is its auspicious direction. This will attract financial luck to the home smoothly. It is especially important to choose a location with sufficient light and a well-ventilated space for the tree to grow rapidly.

Place the Tài Tree in the Living Room

The living room is the most commonly used location for placing the Tài tree. It is the place to receive guests and the ideal spot for displaying the plant to enhance wealth. Placing the Tài tree here helps to create a harmonious family life, warmth, and smooth business dealings.

Place the Tài Tree in the Office

Placing the Tài tree in the office brings good luck and prosperity. Furthermore, it helps to minimize stress and increase work efficiency.

Place the Tài Tree in the Hallway

Placing the Tài tree in the hallway provides a spacious environment for the tree to grow and contributes to the overall aesthetic beauty. It also improves air quality and creates a pleasant atmosphere in the home or office space.

Place the Tài Tree on the Ancestral Altar

The ancestral altar is a sacred place, so when choosing a pot of Tài tree to place on the altar, it should be carefully selected. The Tài tree should be placed facing the Southeast or South direction, symbolizing good blessings for the family and work.

Considerations for Placing the Tài Tree

Choose well-ventilated locations with sufficient natural light for the Tài tree to grow and develop well. Avoid placing the tree in dark and cramped areas.

Methods of Propagating the Tài Tree

There are two methods for propagating the Tài tree: sowing seeds and stem cuttings.

Sowing Tài Tree Seeds

Sowing seeds is a simple method of planting the Tài tree, similar to traditional plant cultivation. However, this method is not efficient for growing mature trees. It takes a lot of time for a tree to grow using this method. Even after two years, the tree can only reach a height of about 50-60cm. Additionally, Tài tree seeds are very rare, so this method is not commonly used.

Stem Cuttings of the Tài Tree

Unlike seed sowing, stem cuttings are a more popular method for propagating the Tài tree. This method is highly effective, quick, time-saving, and simple. To do this, prepare a saw or knife to cut a small stem from 25-50cm in length from the mother tree, then insert it into the soil. With proper care, the tree will quickly develop roots and grow.

Note: After cutting the stem, it is recommended to use lime or glue to disinfect the cut to prevent bacteria and fungi from entering. This method stimulates root growth and shoot emergence faster.

The living room is the most commonly used location for placing the Tài tree. Image: TL

Considerations When Choosing, Planting, and Caring for the Tài Tree

Depending on the purpose, choose the appropriate number of tree trunks for the pot of Tài tree. For example, for congratulatory purposes or housewarming gifts, pots with 3 trunks, 5 trunks, or 8 trunks can be selected.

Select pots with well-developed Tài trees, without any pests or diseases on the stems and leaves. The trees should appear fresh and full of vitality.

Choose pots with a harmonious layout; the tree should have branches, low branches, and young shoots growing at the top, with the leaves gradually growing larger towards the base. The young shoots symbolize new blessings and indicate good luck and good fortune.

Select pot colors and decorations that suit the recipient’s preferences.

When choosing parent trees for propagation, look for healthy and short-leafed plants. For mature trees, they can be pruned slightly shorter since they are strong and have a high reserve of nutrients. For young trees, the shoots should be longer to stimulate growth.

Use a knife or saw to make a clean and even cut at the top of the tree.

Apply waterproof sealant or lime to the cut ends of the tree. This not only enhances aesthetics but also protects the tree from water penetration, preventing decay and damage.

The content of this article is purely for entertainment and reference purposes only!

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